Knowing the true value of your business is critical to proper business planning and achieving personal goals. Through our valuation process, we can help answer the questions that will lead you to make informed decisions for your future.
Let MBB Show You How.

Start Your Business Valuation with MBB Now.
We’ll guide you on what information to send in. Once it’s received, you’ll get your business valuation report within 3-5 business days, and we’ll be in touch to schedule a walk-through of your valuation.
Top 10 Reasons You Need
a Business Valuation
Better understand your business and its potential.
Know the value of your largest asset so you can plan for retirement.
Ensure the business and your family are properly protected.
Use as a basis to create a succession plan.
If buying a business: Know you are paying the right amount for purchase.
- If selling a business: Get what it’s worth at time of sale.
- Create Buy/Sell Agreements with business partners.
- Take a solid valuation to your banker to explore Funding Opportunities.
- Establish a Trust or create an Estate Plan.
- Prepare for Taxable Events such as gifting or grants.
What to Expect from
MBB’s Business Valuation Reports
Our valuation reports are exceptionally detailed and provided to you within 3-5 business days after all required information is sent to MBB. Reports range from 20-30 pages in length. We schedule a walk-through with you to review key points & answer questions upon completion.
This is a highly-informative, full-color 20+ page report. It explains every detail of your business valuation.

It walks you through the steps taken to determine a value with clear, summarized, easy-to-read data.

It covers your past years’ financials and, further, tells the story of what led to the total equity value amount.

Valuable information on factors that can contribute to an increased valuation are also explained in the report.

Selling Your Business? Watch this.
Our story tells you everything you need to know about the quality and results you can expect when you sell your business with Michigan Business Broker. Watch our video and you’ll feel confident in trusting MBB with the sale of your business!