Great Liquor Store in Oakland County
Listing Price: $725,000
- Asking Price: $725,000
Business Description
Great Liquor Store in Oakland County
Buyer - Anderson Alyas
Seller - Amina Rayes (Riva Gale's sister)
Detailed Information
Employees: 2FT / 2PT
Facilities: Great standalone building located on large corner lot in prime Oakland County near a busy downtown area
Growth & Expansion: Continue to work within the community. Expand with hot and ready to go food products would be a positive addition for this location. Customers looking for a quick on the go lunch or picking up a quick dinner for their family on the way home.
Financing: Cash
Support & Training: 14 days at a minimum of 4 hours per day at no additional cost to the buyer
Reason for Selling: Retirement
- Listing ID: 7942
- BizBuySell ID: 1929101